Wednesday, 19 December 2012

I have currently been working on a mural in the entrance to the Hackett store in Covent Garden that opening recently. Here are some photographs and designs from the progress of drawing. I have managed to complete this much within around 6/7 days of work. I am loving working with the Hackett team and they have all made the job very enjoyable.


Eleanor Fisher said...

These are amazing Izzy! Did you draw them free hand? x

Izzy Melhuish said...

Thank you, Yeah i drew out where it was going lightly with pencil and then drew all the details in with the acrylic pen x

Jolijn said...

This is amazing! Good job! I love the complicated design combinated with simple black and white!

Izzy Melhuish said...

Thankyou! Think I am going to do some big and more detailed canvases.